16th ISBR Symposium – “Advancing science in support of sustainable bio-innovation”
An exciting and diverse program has been developed by the International Society for Biosafety Research (ISBR) for the 16th ISBR Symposium (ISBR2022), an in-person event to be held 10 to 14 April 2022 at Union Station Hotel, St Louis, MO, USA. St Louis is a major international hub for biotechnology research, industry and international outreach activity.
After a long period of pandemic separation, ISBR2022 once again aims to bring people from around the world together in person to promote best scientific practise and regulation for the sustainable application of biotechnology and biosafety. It reinvigorates an interactive, face-to-face forum for key stakeholders in biotechnology and biosafety to share knowledge, discuss challenges and explore opportunities. Researchers, technology developers, industry, regulators, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders will take advantage of this unique opportunity to share information and experiences and engage in open and meaningful dialogue about cutting-edge biosafety research, risk analysis, policy, regulation and communication.
The Symposium (formerly called ISBGMO) will build on the outcomes of previous successful international symposia. Keeping pace with new technological developments, the theme for ISBR2022 is “Advancing science in support of sustainable bio-innovation”.
The Symposium features a comprehensive four-day program of plenary, parallel, workshop and poster sessions. An outstanding array of confirmed speakers will explore the plenary session topics of:
- Ensuring social license for bio-innovation,
- Risk analysis for persistent engineered genetic traits,
- Fit-for-purpose governance frameworks for sustainable bio-innovation,
- Sustainable biotechnologies for a changing world.
Abstract submissions for oral and poster presentations are open until 30 November 2021
As with previous symposia, and in contrast to the many online events during the last two years, the symposium program will include time for informal discussions and social interactions, together with options for leisure activities around St Louis. And once again, ISBR will support publication of a special peer-reviewed compilation of papers based on presentations at the symposium. (15th ISBR Symposium eBook)