
Apr 12 2021


10:00 - 13:00

CBGP S3-eForum on “Novel Gene Technologies: Evolution and Revolution”

The CBGP (UPM-INIA) organizes, in the frame of its CBGP_S3-Forum Program, the Workshop “Novel Genome Editing Technologies: Evolution and Revolution”  on 12 April 2021 that aims to discuss about the potential of Genome Editing technology and the different legal policies and scenarios to commercialize genome-edited products.

The recently launched CBGP-S3-Forum aims to provide the social/scientific environment to discuss about scientific/technological progresses and legal policies that will be essential for the development of a more sustainable agriculture. In this virtual workshop we will discuss about the potential of new breeding techniques, and particular genome editing, on agriculture and the different legal scenarios for commercialization of genome-edited products. Genome editing policy is currently an issue of great interest since the Council of the European Union has requested the European Commission to submit a study, by 30 April 2021, regarding the status of new genomic techniques under Union law [Council Decision (EU) 2019/1904].

Responding to the Council’s request, the Commission will perform a study covering all new genomic techniques that have been developed after 2001.  To elaborate the study, the Commission will need contributions from EU Member States and EU-level stakeholders. Therefore, the Commission is carrying out a targeted consultation of EU-level stakeholders, that could be directly or indirectly impacted and/or have potential interest in new genomic techniques. In this novel scenario of debate, the CBGP (UPM-INIA) considers that is very important the contributions of scientists and professionals of the bioeconomy and get the opinion of companies and academia. In the “Novel Genome Editing Technologies: Evolution and Revolution”forum of April 12st (see program here) we will have to keynote experts in the two issues to discuss: the scientific progress and technological application of genome editing will be addressed by Prof. Holger Puchta, and legal policy strategies will be presented by Sigrid Bratlie and the perspectives from the industry will be shared by Gabino Sánchez (see their profiles below).

CBGP (UPM-INIA) is organizing on April 12th 2021 (virtual meeting) the CBGP S3-eForum on “Novel Gene Technologies: Evolution and Revolution”. This event was programmed for March 2020 and cancelled due to COVID19.

Register by  April 5th 2021




The event is finished.