The Strategic Plan outlined for 2021-2026 will help accelerate access to and benefit sharing from these resources that include seed and other plant collections, along with provenance and characterization data, so they can be used for the sustainable production of food, feed, fiber, medicines, and renewable natural products.
Available variation can be harnessed to deliver new cultivars that combine improved taste, nutritional value and human health benefits with climate-resilient qualities and increased carbon sequestration that achieve sustainable yields with fewer agricultural inputs.
DivSeek is a global community of practice committed to unlocking the potential of crop biodiversity so that it can be used to enhance the productivity, sustainability and resilience of crops, agricultural systems and supply chains.
Several EPSO members are active in DivSeek: Nils Stein & Andreas Graner (IPK / DE), Jean-Christophe Glaszmann (CIRAD / FR), Roberto Tuberosa (UniBol / IT), Theo van Hintum (WUR / NL) and Eva-Maria Sehr (AIT / AT).
Read more:
DivSeek media Release, Click below to download the media release in PDF.
Strategy to improve the Generation and Sharing of Information about Global Plant Genetic Resources
Graham J King, DivSeek, [email protected] ,
Nils Stein, IPK Gatersleben / DE, [email protected]