After the online reactivation meeting held on the 31.5.2024, the EPSO working group for Horticulture is announcing a 2nd meeting. The field of horticulture is an increasingly strategic field for Europe as it can be instrumental in e.g. mitigating the effects of climate change on food security.

The working group can play an important role on these topics. To discuss the steps to be taken, an online Working Group (WG) meeting for members has been scheduled for 5.11.2024, 13-17 CET.

Please register your participation until 18.10.2024 using the following link Interested EPSO experts not yet involved in this WG can contact Monique to join and receive the link.

The proposed agenda for the meeting:

  • Welcome
  • WG Horticulture Scientific discussion – 2 introductory slides from each participant
  • WG Horticulture Strategic discussion – Organization and activities of the working group
  • Any other topics / question round and closure

WG members will receive 2 introductory template slides to complete and send to Giuseppe Carlo by 29.10.2024.

We look forward to meeting you on 5th of November.

Monique, Giovanna, Giuseppe Carlo and Karin Metzlaff

Monique van Wordragen, Giovanna Frugis and Giuseppe Carlo Modarelli (Horticulture WG chairs)

Karin Metzlaff (EPSO Executive Director)

Click here to read: The Programme and current list of participants of the 2nd workshop on Horticulture


Monique van Wordragen, WUR, NL & WG chair, Giovanna Frugis, CNR, IT & WG chair, Giuseppe Carlo Modarelli, IGZ, DE & WG chair and Karin Metzlaff, EPSO