EPSO presents its offer to contribute to developing and implementing the Biodiversity Partnership, as well as its new Plant Science Seminar Series launched first quarter 2021. We showcase EPSO’s activities in different working groups such as Nutritional Security, Plants and Microbiomes and Tree Biology and Biotechnology, and science support. Make best use of our series of national plant research structure and funding for your bilateral collaborations, in this issue we feature Belgium and Finland. Finally note that the Horizon Europe first Work Programme 2021-22 publication by the European Commission is now expected in May 2021.
The shorter public version of the Newsletter is available here.
Please, log in and read the full version available in the Members’ Only section.
The table of content
- EPSO offers to contribute to developing and implementing the Biodiversity Partnership
EPSO activities
- New EPSO Plant Science Seminar Series Goes Live
- EPSO upcoming Workshop ‘Addressing the Nutritional Security challenge is a strategic issue for Europe under COVID-19 pandemic’- 15-16.6.2021
- EPSO Workshop ‘Implementing a Plants and Microbiomes Strategy in Europe’ – 13.-14.01.2021
- Survey on the new EU forest strategy: the “Tree Biology and Biotechnology” Working Group speaks up on behalf of EPSO
- Plant Biology 2021 Congress: last update
- Virtual Fascination of Plants Day 2021 in May—Check out our events
- ERA-Net SusCrop— a joint call of 4 ERA-Nets, outreach activities
Members’ news
- Welcome to the Future Food Beacon, University of Nottingham, UK
- Welcome to the University of Melbourne, Australia
- CHIC—progress on chicory for dietary fiber and medicinal terpenes
- TOMRES – water and nutrient use efficiency—final meeting in April
- CropBooster-P- Towards the development of a roadmap for the European Commission
- InnCoCells – Innovative high-value cosmetic products from plants and plant cells (2021-2025), a new EU H2020 project
- The H2020 FORGENIUS Project takes wing
- A new national project: Food without fields – Disruptive food production technologies contributing to reach the Finnish carbon neutrality goals (2021-2023)
- RESPONSE – 4th Call for PhD candidates open
- Fruitful research at Hutton, from micro to macro
National, European and global funding
- National Research Funding Opportunities in Belgium
- National Research Funding Opportunities in Finland
- Horizon Europe – Work Programmes 2021-22 expected in May 2021
Career opportunities and (postponed) meetings
About EPSO
Contacts: Alexandra Barnoux & Karin Metzlaff, EPSO