Building on the discussions from the June meeting, the September meeting of this WG will prepare a statement on research needs, discuss potential proposals to Horizon Europe 2022 calls and prepare a statement on the new EU Forest Strategy.

The meeting intends to increase collaborations between the working group members both bi-and multi-lateral. In addition, the statements the WG will prepare will include recommendations on R&I as science advice to policy to the European Commission as well as national authorities.

The workshop will be held online 27 September 2021 from 8 am – 12 noon Brussels time.

Draft agenda: 

  1. Preparation of a statement on the need for
  • fundamental research to support high-quality applications in Horizon Europe topics and calls
  • further strengthen forests as production systems as a tool in climate change mitigation
  • inclusion of research on contingency & alternative species
  • developing advanced data bases.
  1. Analysis of Horizon Europe available information 2021-22 and beyond
  • on the ideas towards 2023-2024 calls to identify sections to provide input for, in relation with (1.)
  • on the 2022 calls published to identify topics in which a consortium could emerge from the Tree & Forest WG.
  1. Preparation of a statement on the new EU Forest Strategy.

 Administrative information

Log-in details for the online meeting will be sent to registered participants.

EPSO members: We kindly ask you to register for your participation to the workshop by 10 September by e-mail to Karin Metzlaff.

We very much look forward to your contributions and to welcoming you at the workshop.

Ivan Scotti, Berthold Heinze, Roger Hellens and Karin Metzlaff

Ivan Scotti (INRE / FR, chair), Berthold Heinze (BFW / AT, chair), Roger Hellens (Scion / NZ, chair) and Karin Metzlaff (EPSO Executive Director)