The Bayer Foundation is seeking exceptional young scientists who see collaboration as an opportunity to increase the impact of their research and are seeking to build a global scientific network.
Master & PhD students from all fields of the natural sciences or data science whose research has fundamental or applied relevance to the crop science industry are eligible for up to 10,000 € in funding for an international placement or research projects of up to six months that are complementary to current or future scientific studies.
People studying in Germany must undertake placements in a second country & those studying outside Germany must undertake their fellowships at a German research institution.
The application portal opened 13.2.2023.
The foundation also has fellowships available in Drug Discovery Sciences & Medical Sciences.
For any questions, please contact [email protected].
EPSO collaborates with the Bayer Foundation on the 7th International Fascination of Plants Day (FoPD) around 18th May 2024 .
Click here to read: Full ‘Jeff Schell Fellowships announcement’
Bayer Foundation
Karin Metzlaff, EPSO Executive Director