In the last weeks, we have witnessed the incomprehensible and unimaginable descend on Europe for the first time in more than 80 years: an unprovoked, brutal, full-scale war on one of the European family of nations, Ukraine, and its people by its neighbour, the Russian Federation.
As you see in our statement form 28.2.2022, while violating several international treaties securing Ukraine’s border, the Russian Federation also violates international law.
We as scientists wish to contribute to building a better Europe and world. At this critical moment, our immediate goal is to do our best to alleviate the suffering we are witnessing daily in Ukraine.
Concrete actions you as scientists can take:
- Add positions for Ukrainians on a google sheet which was started by Andrew Kern, University of Oregon. It already became very large and is well distributed in the Ukrainian networks. It is supported by EPSO, GPC, DBG, ASPB, Australian colleagues and many others spreading it far and wide.
At the link you are redirected:
To add a new lab to this list, use this form
For UKR scientists to find labs, use this search list
- Use #ScienceForUkraine for the European group of volunteers to add your actions to the assembled resource they create for UKR.
- Offer free accommodation for Ukrainian refugees fleeing war on the website launched in 12 languages by Avi Schiffmann and Marco Burstein (Harvard students)
- Retweet @EPSOEurope 17.3.2022 to spread the link with labs and accommodation.
The EPSO Board and Executive Director on behalf of the EPSO members
Click here to read: Full ‘EPSO UKR statement’ from 28.2.2022
- Alan Schulman, EPSO President
- Marie-Theres Hauser, EPSO Board
- Przemysław WOJTASZEK, EPSO Board
- Karin Metzlaff, EPSO Executive Director