Yesterday afternoon’s official publication contains the WPs for Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), Research Infrastructures; Clusters 1-6; Missions; the European Innovation Ecosystems, and widening participation and strengthening the ERA.

The published Horizon Europe Work Programmes 2023-24 are the legally binding versions replacing the pre-published versions released last week. Horizon Europe Work Programme & call documents

Cluster 6 – most relevant to EPSO members – has a budget of c. €1.92 billion for 2023-24: Please find the Work Programme 2023-24 of cluster 6 (food, bioeconomy, agriculture etc.)

Depending on the call, single or two-stage application procedures are foreseen. The opening and closing dates of the 2023 calls are as follows:

  • opening 22 December 2022, deadline depending on the call 23 March, 28 March or 12 April 2023
  •  2nd deadline for two-stage procedures 26 September 2023

In some Cluster 6 calls for proposals, the “blind evaluation pilot” is implemented as part of a two-stage application procedure. Applicants submitting a pre-proposal for the topics marked in this way are not permitted to include the names, acronyms, logos, etc. of their institutions or names of persons involved in the proposal in part B. Details on the pilot can be found in the General Annexes to the work programme (parts E and F).

For 2023/2024, a larger share of the topics in the thematic clusters will be advertised with lump-sum funding for the first time and for which special conditions apply, including a higher page limit for proposals.

We strongly advise you to register for the cluster 6 EC information days on 13-14 December 2022.

Applications must be submitted via the Funding and Tenders portal for which prior registration is necessary.

The ERC WP 2023 was published in July: The ERC announced its Work Programme 2023 – around €2.2 billion supporting over a thousand top researchers across Europe. Calls have already opened and there are rolling deadlines.

EPSO will now update its Horizon Europe Briefing for our members which will be available in the coming weeks. Until then please use the hints in our Briefing for the 2021-22 WP on the Members’ only website.

Wishing you every success with your proposals,

Karin Metzlaff


Karin Metzlaff, EPSO

John Fitzgibbon, EPSO