Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center

The PSC PhD Program in Plant Sciences is a joint program of the University of Zurich, ETH Zurich and the University of Basel. The structured curriculum offers training in frontier topics of plant sciences, including molecular biology, ecology, evolution, environmental and agronomic sciences.

It also offers opportunities to acquire research skills and transferable skills for careers in and outside of academia. All courses are held in English. The qualification framework is detailed here.

Established in 2002, the PSC PhD Program in Plant Sciences assures coursework in the following domains:

  • Fundamental and applied plant sciences
  • Understanding the research environment and the scientific community
  • Research management
  • Communicating science
  • Career development

Students enrolled in this program obtain a PhD from their home institution, either the University of Zurich, ETH Zurich or the University of Basel. Upon successful completion, they receive an additional PSC PhD Program certification and a diploma supplement. The structured PSC PhD program is fully accredited within the Life Science Zurich Graduate School (International PhD Programs in the Life Sciences).

More information on the application process is available on clicking on “Apply’ button.

Opening of registration:

Registration usually opens on 1 July and 1 December.

To apply for this job please visit www.plantsciences.uzh.ch.