Website Umeå Plant Science Centre, Department Plant Physiology, Umeå University
A post-doctoral position is available in the Niittylä group at the Umeå Plant Science Center, Sweden to study carbon partitioning to wood using hybrid aspen as the model system. The position is financed by the newly funded NovoNordisk Synergy Project CarbonTree, which is a collaboration between the Niittylä group, the Moritz group at the University of Copenhagen and the Mähönen group at the University of Helsinki.
Trees represent the single most important carbon sink on the planet. An incomplete mechanistic understanding of carbon sequestration to wood limits our ability of predict the capacity of trees to assimilate CO2 and optimise the production of sustainable wood derived materials and fuels. CarbonTree will adress this problem by investigating metabolic fluxes leading to wood formation using innovative sequencing and isotope techniques. The postdoc will collaborate between the three research groups, and will have the opportunity to pitch additional projects and integrate their own interests. |
To apply for this job please visit www.slu.se.