The 7th European-wide seminar of the new series supported by the European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO) and aimed at the Plant Science community and its stakeholders.


TTT: The seminar will be held online each third Thursday of the month at three (CET).


On 18th November 2021 at 15:00 (CET) we will present three talks exploring “Use of Diverse Species as Crops”

Assistant Prof Marta Vasconcelos, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Porto, Portugal

                        “Biodiversity with underutilized crops in Europe: challenges, strategies and benefits”


 Dr Delphine Renard, CEFE CNRS, Montpellier, France

                         “Contributions of crop diversity to food security and resilience”


Prof Zerihun Tadele, University of Bern, Switzerland ,

                          “Promoting productivity of under-researched crop: the case of tef”


 The seminars will be hosted on Zoom and last approximately 1.5 hours. Numbers will be limited to 300 attendees and therefore please register early if you would like to join. There will be ample opportunities to ask questions and join the debate. So please join us to support this new and exciting initiative for European Plant Science by following this link just prior to the start of the seminar.


EPSO members register in advance for this meeting:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

In the coming months we will be on the lookout for talented plant scientists among the EPSO membership to present their findings and perspectives to the EPSO seminar series. If we approach you to talk, we hope you will be happy to support the initiative. This is a fantastic opportunity for both eminent world leaders and talented up-and-coming early career researchers to present their research to an international audience and to network with potential collaborators. If you wish to suggest a theme for one of the spring seminars and / or nominate yourself or one of your colleagues to give a seminar, we most welcome your suggestions. Please contact Tim George ([email protected]) to provide your name and potential talk title.


We look forward to seeing you all for the 7th EPSO seminar on the 18th November 2021


Tim George, Alan Schulman and Marie-Theres Hauser

EPSO Plant Science Seminar Series Organising Committee



Click here to read: Full EPSO news item



  • Tim George, Hutton / UK & EPSO Board
  • Alan Schulman, LUKE / FI & EPSO President
  • Marie-Theres Hauser, BoKu / AT & EPSO Representative

EPSO welcomes the initiative taken by the European Commission to adjust the regulation on NGT and promote NGT for plant breeding in the European Union (EU). Taking into account recent and ongoing research activities, EPSO would like to provide the following feedback to the Inception Impact Assessment (IIA):

  • Criteria for sustainability should refer to all techniques and approaches, and not only NGTs.
  • Risk assessment for NGT products should be proportionate
  • Labelling and requirements for detection methods should not be barriers in the approval process.


Read details in the full EPSO statement – the EPSO submission to the DG SANTE public consultation to the Roadmap (Inception Impact Assessment, IIA) regarding the legislation for plants produced by certain new genomic techniques (NGTs).


EPSO statement EC roadmap (IIA) on new genomic techniques, 25.10.2021

EPSO Annex 1 to the NGT roadmap statement, 25.10.2021

EC: Roadmap (inception impact assessment) on new genomic techniques, 24.9.2021



  • Jens Sundström, Ralf Wilhelm & Frank Hartung, EPSO Chairs WG Agricultural Technologies
  • Alan Schulman & Karin Metzlaff (EPSO President, Executive Director)

The European Commission is organizing info days on the Horizon Europe 2022 calls Cluster 6, the one most relevant to plant scientists, under which 77 topics will be open from 28.10.2021 on.

The programme will focus on:

  • Raising awareness about the key aspects of HE proposal preparation and the evaluation process.
  • Giving an insight about the HE Mission ‘Soil health and food’.
  • Highlighting the HE horizontal novelties and the key success factors to proposal preparation.
  • Offering networking and matchmaking opportunities to prospective applicants to support the building of proposals’ consortia in a dedicated brokerage day.

More detailed programme and registration:

See as well the EPSO Briefing on Horizon Europe, updated 29.9.2021 

Source: EC

The 6th European-wide seminar of the new series supported by the European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO) and aimed at the Plant Science community and its stakeholders.

TTT: The seminar will be held online each third Thursday of the month at three (CET).


On 21st October 2021 at 15:00 (CET) we will present two talks exploring “Evolution of Plants for Life on Land”


Prof Liam Dolan, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology, Austria

                             “Evolution of land plant rooting systems”


Dr Pierre-Marc Delaux, CNRS, University of Toulouse, France

                            “Origin and diversification of plant symbioses”

 The seminars will be hosted on Zoom and last approximately 1.5 hours. Numbers will be limited to 300 attendees and therefore please register early if you would like to join. There will be ample opportunities to ask questions and join the debate. So please join us to support this new and exciting initiative for European Plant Science by following this link just prior to the start of the seminar.


EPSO members register in advance for this meeting:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

In the coming months we will be on the lookout for talented plant scientists among the EPSO membership to present their findings and perspectives to the EPSO seminar series. If we approach you to talk, we hope you will be happy to support the initiative. This is a fantastic opportunity for both eminent world leaders and talented up-and-coming early career researchers to present their research to an international audience and to network with potential collaborators. If you wish to suggest a theme for one of the spring seminars and / or nominate yourself or one of your colleagues to give a seminar, we most welcome your suggestions. Please contact Tim George ([email protected]) to provide your name and potential talk title.

We look forward to seeing you all for the 6th EPSO seminar on the 21st October 2021

 Tim George, Alan Schulman and Marie-Theres Hauser

EPSO Plant Science Seminar Series Organising Committee


 Click here to read: Full EPSO news item


  • Tim George, Hutton / UK & EPSO Board
  • Alan Schulman, LUKE / FI & EPSO President
  • Emily Breeze, Warwick University / UK & EPSO Representative

On 14 May 2021 EPSO member-scientists and policy makers from sixteen countries across Europe held the fourth open-minded, informal meeting to assess the situation for research and development on New Plant Breeding Technologies (NPBTs) after the ruling of the ECJ in July 2018.

They exchanged views on the current situation of genome editing (GE) in Europe and possible next steps to enable Europe to better address climate change, achieve food and nutritional security, and establish a sustainable agriculture in Europe and world-wide. Such steps should bring the discussion forward on the EU legislation and facilitating potential flagships. The meeting was held under Chatham House Rules.


The next meeting will be held in November 2021.

As explained in our statement of 19.2.2019, EPSO offers to collaborate with policy makers to develop an appropriate future-ready regulation to enable the European public sector, small- and medium-sized companies and farmers to contribute more comprehensively to food and nutritional security and to use all available tools to reduce the environmental impact of agriculture. Notwithstanding the technical option retained, EPSO supports a science-based revision of the present European legislation establishing a more proportionate product-based risk assessment. EPSO is also willing to contribute to the societal debate on genome editing and to communicate in a fact-based and yet accessible manner about innovative plant science and its societal role.


Ralf Wilhelm, Jens Sundstrom, Alan Schulman, Ernst van den Ende and Karin Metzlaff


Read the 4th meeting report 



  • Ralf Wilhelm & Jens Sundstrom, EPSO Chairs WG Agricultural Technologies
  • Alan Schulman, EPSO President
  • Ernst van den Ende, EPSO Board
  • Karin Metzlaff, EPSO Executive Director

The updated EPSO Briefing on the Horizon Europe Work Programmes 2021-22 has been published on the Members’ only website*. It contains all information for plant scientists already available in one document, It provides you as well additional researched information and final call texts published by the European Commission since 15 June 2021.

Updates concern  the evaluation of the projects and expert database (p16), country participation (p18), Pillar 1 (ERC WP2022 added, Marie Slodowska-Curie Actions, Research Infrastructures), all calls under Pillar 2, most importantly cluster 6 ‘Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment’, and Widening participation and Strengthening the European Research Area. For ERC 2022 Calls, EPSO encourages its members to check regularly on the Funding & Tenders platform the following calls ERC-2022-CoG, AdG, PoC2 and PER as they were not yet available on this platform when the briefing was updated. Finally, in the Widening programme there are many different tools with rather small budgets. Therefore, EPSO will offer a separate briefing if members show interest in this Work Programme.

 *Access to the Members’ only Website is restricted to EPSO active Members (not sleeping members, not external Personal Members) – please contact Sofia to get access.

Work Programmes covered in the briefing:

Excellent Science


  • MSCA Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action 2021-2022
    • MSCA-SE-2021: opening on 7.10.2021, closing 9.3.2022
    • MSCA-SE-2022: opening on 6.10.2022, closing 8.3.2023
    • MSCA-NIGHT-2022: closing on 7.10.2021
    • MSCA-COFUND-2021: opening on 12.10.2021, closing 10.2.2022
    • MSCA-COFUND-2022: opening on 11.10.2022, closing 9.2.2023
    • MSCA-PF-2021: opened 22.6.2021, closing on 12.10.2021
    • MSCA-PF-2022: opening on 13.4.2021, closing on 14.9.2022
    • MSCA-DN-2021: opened 22.6.2021, closing on 16.11.2021
    • MSCA-DN-2022: opening on 3.5.2022, closing on 15.11.2022


Global Challenges & European Industrial Competitiveness – Thematic clusters


Innovative Europe

Widening Participation and Strengthening the European research Area


Further Work Programmes are available on the Funding & Tenders portal

 Please, note that the list of calls is under update in the dedicated table of the Member only section., on EPSO website.

 Wishing you success with your proposals


Karin Metzlaff, Alexandra Barnoux and Alan Schulman


Contact: Karin Metzlaff