Initiative for Science in Europe (ISE)
EPSO is a founding member of the Initiative for Science in Europe (ISE) and has links to the other ISE members, e.g.:
- EAS – European Atherosclerosis Society
- EMBO – European Molecular Biology Organisation *
- EPS – European Physical Society
- FENS – Federation of European Neuroscience Societies
Global Plant Council (GPC)
EPSO is a founding member of the GPC and has links to the other GPC members:
- ASPB – American Society of Plant Biologists
- ASPS – Australian Society of Plant Scientists
- CSPP – Canadian Society of Plant Physiologists / Plant Canada
- JSPP – Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists
‘Plants for the Future’ – European Technology Platform (Plant ETP)
‘Plant ETP’ is a stakeholder forum for the plant sector, including plant genomics and biotechnology, that was initiated by the European Commission in 2003. It provides a 20-year vision, a short-, medium- and long-term Strategic Research Agenda and Action Plans for Research, Innovation and Education for Europe’s plant sector.
Its members come from industry, farmer organisations, academia and other stakeholder groups.
It was supported by the European Commission until July 2007. Since April 2008, the Plant ETP is a membership based ETP where all members agreed on the aim, main tasks, structure and budget (including their own contributions) of the ETP for three year periods. The structure of the Plant ETP consists of a General Assembly, Board of Directors and Executive Manager.
Regarding research, Plant ETP will work with a focus on promoting and advocating strategic research and internationally competitive research.
Organisations linked to EPSO
European Organisations:
- COST – European Cooperation in Science and Technology
- EUCARPIA – The European Association of Plant Breeders
- FESPB – Federation of European Societies of Plant Biology
- FAO – Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations