To support the development of the strategic roadmap and to foster collaboration and shared learning, the Workshop brought together Green ERA-Hub (GEH) partners and select stakeholders.
The main objective of the workshop was to identify thematic research areas across the various initiatives as well as opportunities and priorities for the GEH going forward.
To prioritise ideas, participants voted on ideas they believe were unique, novel and could make a difference.
Some of the ideas/clusters of ideas that received the most votes are:
- plant biology for nutrition and health, resilience to pests and diseases and for bioeconomy purposes/benefits
- an integrated approach and systems towards a food system that supports planetary health through redesigned livestock systems, changes in awareness and diet, animal breeding…
- a systems approach to understand interactions between soil, plant, environment and crop management systems in context,
- knowledge generation in relation to nutritional value and health benefits/claims for plants and niche crops (including proteins) and the benefits of organic agriculture for human nutrition and health
- improved measurement methods (that are cheap and accurate) for intake of grazing animals & methane emissions from animals at a range of scales and measurement of soil carbon
The ideas and topics will be used to inform the GEH strategic roadmap, as well as provide input for the research call Work Package (WP3).
Links: GEH Roadmapping Workshop Report Feb_2024.pdf ; Strategic roadmapping workshop;
About GEH on Agri-Food and Biotechnology: The partners in the GEH represent 29 ongoing or previously funded coordination actions (ERA-Net, ERA-Net Plus, ERA-Net Cofunds and EJP). Most are or were coordinators of the initiatives. Additional partners have been included to provide additional and important expertise. The Green ERA-Hub networks challenges scopes and goals_0.pdf
Ulrike Ziegler, Forschungszentrum JUELICH GMBH, DE – GEH coordinator
Temiloluwa Daike BBSRC, UK – GEH Roadmapping Workshop organiser
Karin Metzlaff, EPSO Executive Director – member GEH External Expert Group