EPSO has the pleasure of announcing the re-launch of the original Molecular Farming Working Group with a larger scope now as the Plant Factories WG.

We invite EPSO member organisations to confirm their 1-3 experts for this WG. Please check on the WG website which experts are in the WG already. To enroll up to three experts, please email to Karin M and cc the chairs and provide for each one the name, function in the institute / university, 1-3 keywords on the expertise and contact details. Pls confirm as well if the expert(s) will join the 1st meeting online 6.3.2025 9-13 CET, best by 25 February.

We look forward to meeting you 6th March

Holger Spiegel, Johannes Buyel, Heiko Rischer, Dirk Bosch, Katarina Cankar (WG chairs) and Karin Metzlaff (EPSO)


Click her to read:  The announcement with introduction and scope of the WG



Holger Spiegel (Fraunhofer, DE), Johannes Buyel (BOKU, AT), Heiko Rischer (VTT, FI), Dirk Bosch & Katarina Cankar (WUR, NL) and Karin Metzlaff (EPSO)