Stay updated on the latest developments in plant science policy and EPSO activities!
European Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) Roadmap 2018 published, identifying 8 projects with ESFRI Landmark status and 6 new projects entering the roadmap.
High level event: Sustainable and circular Bioeconomy Conference on 22.10.2018 in Brussels. Online registration opened. See more information.
Proposal for the Specific Programme implementing Horizon Europe – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP9) – for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council. Specific Programme proposal, Annex to SP proposal. Provide feedback to EC until 2 August 2018 to be summarised to EP and Council.
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council establishing Horizon Europe – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP9), laying down its Rules for Participation and Dissemination. Regulation proposal, Annex to Reg proposal. Provide feedback to EC until 2 August 2018 to be summarised to EP and Council.
A renewed agenda for research and innovation – Europe’s chance to shape its future – Urging EU leaders to adopt the EU budget 2021-27 including proposed innovation funding, increase investments in R& I to meet the 3% target, make regulations fit innovation, create synergies between EU programmes, modernise public research with an open science label, launch a set of R&I missions.
AgriResearch – Innovating for the future of farming and rural communities – conference presentations online, following up the Strategic approach to EU agricultural research and innovation, 20.7.2016.