Weave is a bottom-up, cross-European initiative developed by European research funders organised in Science Europe to support excellent collaborative research projects across borders.

Weave currently comprises national and regional research funders from 11 European countries: AT, BE, CZ, DE, LUX, HR, NO, PL, SV, SE and CH.

As chair of the ISE (Initiative for Science in Europe) Horizon Europe Working Group, Karin Metzlaff is organising with national funders the ISE webinar on WEAVE on 22 September 2023 from 2-3:30 P.M. CET.

Please disseminate to interested colleagues at your university / institute, who are welcome to join the webinar.

To help us prepare the seminar, please confirm your participation by email to [email protected] and cc [email protected], best by 11 September 2023 and send your name, to which ISE member organisation you belong (for EPSO members: EPSO) and your email address.

We will send the link to those who confirmed participation on 14th September.

Looking forward to discussing with you in the webinar!

Monica Dietl, ISE Coordinator

Karin Metzlaff, EPSO Executive Director & ISE chair Horizon Europe WG

Click here to read:

WEAVE webinar announcement, 29.8.2023

WEAVE Briefing for Plant Scientists, 22.8.2023


Kari Metzlaff, EPSO, Executive Director & ISE chair Horizon Europe WG

Monica Dietl, ISE Coordinator