EPSO welcomes the EC Farm to Fork Strategy and offers to collaborate with the European Commission, the Member States and stakeholders to implement it.

EPSO appreciates that the strategy links Food and Nutritional Security, environmental sustainability and human health. EPSO urges to apply this approach across the strategy as a whole.

Concepts like diverse crops for diverse diets and human and resilient production, as well as combined approaches on crop improvement, crop management and crop processing, will enable interdisciplinary approaches with co-benefits in Europe and beyond.

EC rightly defines the goals and should lead the process to achieve these – based on open and transparent approaches raging from research to innovation, public procurement to legislation.

 We provide further insight on how these concepts can benefit the implementation of the strategy and how plant scientists can contribute to this in the Annex of the full statement.

Click here to read: Full EPSO statement 2.6.2020


  • Karin Metzlaff, EPSO, BE
  • Alan Schulman, LUKE, FI & EPSO President
  • Angelo Santino, CNR, IT & EPSO NS WG chair