National funders in the European Research Area Network on Sustainable Crop Production (SusCrop ERA-net) together with experts from science and stakeholders developed (supported by 2 workshops) the white paper on ‘Future Research Needs in Sustainable Agriculture’.
The four main research needs are:
- Topic 1: Knowledge generation in relation to nutritional value and health benefits of protein / niche crops;
- Topic 2: Knowledge generation and transfer on multi-stress resistance for stable yield;
- Topic 3: Innovation pipeline: Protein / niche crops for food and feed value chains: How to build a value chain for uncultivated protein / niche crops;
- Topic 4: Impact assessment and trade-offs.
The white paper is available both on the SusCrop website and to download here.
Please disseminate this widely for consideration at European as well as national levels.
Heather McKhann, INRAE & SusCrop ERA-Net (prepared synthesis as white paper)
Christian Breuer, PTJ & SusCrop ERA-Net co-ordinator
Karin Metzlaff, EPSO & official observer SusCrop ERA-Net