At the mid-term meeting, project consortia will provide a status update of their ongoing research in the field of sustainable and resilient crop production.
The meeting will bring together the research projects of the first transnational co-funded call (see list at It will be held digitally on September 15 from 13:00 to 17:00 CEST.
If you are interested to join the meeting, please find more information on the programme and registration through the following link:
SusCrop is an ERA-Net Cofund Action under Horizon 2020 on Sustainable Crop Production. It aims at enhancing cooperation and coordination of different national and regional research programmes on this theme.
EPSO is official observer in the SusCrop ERA-Net and supports all its activities.
Looking forward to meeting you all virtually!
Contact: Nikki De Clercq, Research Associate, ILVO (BE)