Stay updated on the latest developments in plant science policy and EPSO activities!
Updated Statement: Crop Genetic Improvement Technologies, EPSO welcomes the majority opinion of the Member States “New Techniques Working Group” report and asks the EC to follow these recommendations and provide legal certainty for science and industry regarding application and exploration of New Plant Breeding Techniques (NPBTs) to allow the plant sector addressing the Grand Challenges facing our planet. EPSO acknowledges the interpretation of the EU GMO legislation as both process and product based and considers that this could help to clarify the legal status of the NPBTs. In its update EPSO includes recently published reports from Belgium and Italy.
EC-EPSO EXPO Conference on ‘Crop genetic improvement technologies’ on 14 July 2015 at the CNR headquarter in Milano was a major success with excellent and well balanced presentations and very open discussions – see discussion on twitter hashtag #expocrops. Read the background information here.